My husband, Steve, and I just completed the six-week course entitled “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions”.  Since the course began just as shelter in place became the rule, our instructors did a quick turn around and put this course on the web.  Heather and Stephanie (Mendonoma Health Alliance) coached us on how to connect all of our class onto the computer screen.

      Much of the material that was discussed in this course was a good review for me.  The book given to each of us is a gem.  It will continue to be a reference source for me.

      I now recognize and accept that my three main chronic conditions are dysautonomic nerve conditions (orthostatic hypotension, post prandial hypotension, idiopathic neuuopathy) which most likely will never be cured.  But I can do some things that can help me to manage and lessen the dizziness, pain and stiffness.

      I have had these three ailments, along with aging osteoarthritis, for several years.  Balancing the types of and the timing of medications, eating a healthy diet (we are pretty good at that) and exercise (I do some form of exercise every day) are my goals.  This course clarified my path further to managing my chronic conditions.

  • Suzanne C. Whitaker – Manchester, CA

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