The individuals at the Mendonoma Health Alliance are some of the most dedicated, kind, trustworthy, helpful, and generous professionals on our coast.  They will assist anyone with visits to the doctor; home visits to check on people’s well-being; medication inquiries; assistance with health insurance; blood pressure monitoring, dietary needs and more.  Programs such as Fall Prevention, Living with Chronic Conditions, and educational assistance are only some of what MHA offers for free to our community.

I am a 67yr old single woman with multiple disabilities.  I have called upon MHA on several occasions, especially when I am upset or concerned.  If they do not have an immediate response, they always make it a priority to find the answers.

During the October 2019 devastating power outage due to high fire danger, their Community Health Workers visited their client’s homes, checking on their well-being.  This is selfless, generous dedication in my book.

The programs offered by the MHA are some of the best health programs I have ever experienced.  The educational workshops MHA has provided to our community are the top shelf of education available today.  I would NOT be in the healthy condition I am in today if it were NOT for the help and education I have received from MHA.  The team at MHA are the champions of health care for the Mendonoma coast.  They are an absolute outstanding gift to this community.

  • 67 Yr Old Female, Point Arena

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