“My doctor wants me to monitor my blood pressure because last time I was in, it was really high,” said one 52-year-old man to Heather, one of MHA’s Community Health Workers. This explanation was given after the man’s blood pressure read at a shocking 155/108. As Heather reviewed methods to reduce high blood pressure, she inquired whether the man was following his doctor’s advice and monitoring his numbers at home. The answer was “No.”

After encouraging the man to schedule an appointment with his doctor, Heather offered him a free blood pressure monitor provided by MHA. He accepted and Heather was able to train the client how to use the device properly so that he could track his numbers regularly at home.

Several months later the man encountered Heather in town. He shared that his blood pressure numbers are down due to an improved diet and reduced smoking. As a result, he said his doctor told him he did not have to check his blood pressure daily. “He thanked me for bringing him the monitor and for encouraging him to take care of his health,” said Heather.


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